Recreating the Action! compiler for the Atari Computer and the 6502

Created January 30, 2010
Updated Feb 5, 2025
Lets try this again folks.

A few month ago I decided to give this a try again.  The last time I worked on this project, in 2012, many things happened that diverted my attention.  First, my mother in law passed away.  Then 3 months later, my wife was diagnosed with cancer, with that battle lasting until 2021.  I have been recovering from my prostrate surgery since then, but I have been resurecting all of my projects over the last 3 years.  I decided to just put the old code in the trash and start completely over.  This project can be found on Github, which sure is handy.

The original was written using an LALR parser generator (Anagram).  Trougle is, parser generators come and go, so this time I wrote an LL(1) grammer from the ground up.  And that was not easy.  In fact, I almost gave up.  I kept having problems with an ambiguity between declaring Functions and Global Variables.  This wasn't a problem with an LALR grammar, but not so with LL(1).  I finally decided to stop using what seemed intuitively correct, and do things backwards, so to speak.  Sure enough, I was able to come up with a clean grammar that had no ambiguities.  In fact, the grammar could do something that the original ACTION! could not do, and that was to completely dispense with the MODULE keyword.  Global variables can be freely declared between proceedures and functions without any problem.  The compiler will still recognize the MODULE keyword, but it will ignore it.

And I have expanded the language just a bit.
BOOL - a logical data type
PUSH - push data or registers onto the stack.  This is from ROCKWELL PL/65
BREAK - Software Interrupt
RTI - return from interrupt
POP - pop data off the stack into registers or data locations
ASM - Inline assembly
INTERRUPPT - Proceedure type for handling interrupts.

Parameter Passing:
The compiler will support the standard way that ACTION! passed parameters, but there will also be modes that can be used when the target is a ROM.  I also hope to come up with a way so that function local variables can be dynamically allocated rather than staticly like ACTION! does it.  So far, no good ideas.  I may just have to allocate them on the stack, which has a lot of limitations for the 6502.

I am leaving all of the original stuff down below.  It may be worth a good laugh.

Current Snapshot of Code (Updated May 17, 2010) Version 0.06

Link to the Assembler I wrote for the ACTION! cross compiler.

Comming Soon: Linker

Original Reference Manual.

    This is something I found on the web.  I have no idea where I found it, but somebody wanted it, and it is too big to email it, and too difficult for me to find again.  So, I am going to repost it here.  My appologies  if I have stepped on somebodys toes.

    Definitive Action Manual

    Now, if you would like something better than the scanned version, I have just completed turning the manual back into text.  So, what you will find here is both a microsoft WORD 2010 docx file and a PDF file of the original manual.  I used an OCR program to convert the scanned version you see above back into a text file.  That was the easy part.  I then imported the text file into Microsoft WO  RD 2010, and set to work making it readable.  I started that back in June, and only finished today, August 17, 2012.  It was a lot more work than I anticipated, but I did it.  For right now, just docx and pdf versions.  I wanted to post an Html version as well, but Microsoft WORD really sucks as far as saving HTML.

    Action Manual (docx)
    Action manual (pdf)

    I would like to thank Clinton Parker for being a good sport about aloowing me to post these files.

June 30, 2012

    It has been over a year since I have done much with this compiler, but I have never forgotten it.  I heard from a gentleman in France who wanted to know if I would make changes to suit his needs.  Sure, what the heck, but the durn thing isn't even done yet.  So, I figured now would be a good time to get things cleaned up a bit.  I am mostly working on the assembler and linker at the moment.  The Linker is just plain not even close to completion, and the assembler had a lot of loose ends that needed to be tied up.  As soon as I get the assembler up to snuff, I should be able to complete the linker.  Then I will bet back to the compiler.  First thing I need to do is put in the code generator for Multiply, Divide and Mod operations.  These will be all handled by runtime library functions.

June 7, 2011

    I have added code to the assembler to more or less output a relocateable object file.  This is the first step to creating a linker.  I still have a few things to do yet on the object file outoput, but most of the work is done.  Not ready yet to repost the source and executable. 

    I have also begun to think avbout code generation options for the ACTION! compiler itself.  I am thinking of making it that functions can be made reentrant, if desired.  The  disadvantage is that the code will be larger and slower doing this.  I will have to create a fake data stack to do this, and the poor little 6502 has to work very hard at this.  Here is a snippet of code that shows the basics of creating a Frame Pointer.


    This code assumes that the parameters have allready been pushed onto the STACK, so we just need to make space for the local variables, save the current position of the stack pointer into a base pointer, and there we go.  You will need to subtract off an offset from the BASE_POINTER to get to the parameters, and add an offset to the BASE_POINTER to get to the local variables.  It should be noted that STACK_POINTER and BASE_POINTER are memory locations somewhere in PAGE0 of the 6502 memory space.  You would use them like this:

    ;access one of the parameters on the stack
    LDY   #0
    LDA   (SCRATCH_POINTER),Y    ;we finally have loaded the value of interest

June 1, 2011

    It has been way too long since I have looked at this project.  Well, I have gotten another resurgence of interest in the old Atari computers.  So, what I am currently doing is starting a linker for the assembler I wrote above, and I am going to start going through the code generator and finishing up the spots that have not been completed yet.  I am also trying to find a little box that will do a good job of converting the composite video from my Atari 800 into RGB that can be plugged into an LDC monitor.  No more CRTs for this monkey boy.  Anyway, the linker will have a linker script that will alow you to write a script to ararnge the various code sections in memory.  This is needed so that the output can be put into either ROM or RAM.  This was not something that the original ACTION! compiler did very well.

I am also contemplating added a new keyword to the ACTION! language, EXTERN, so that ACTION! programs can be better modularized.  I am not sure what to do about recursion.  Adding this keyword will allow recursion, which just will not work very good using the traditional code generation.  I may have to think about adding a REENTRANT keyword as well, but that does not sound at all fun.

July 16, 2010

    It has been a couple of months since I was able to do much on this project.  Hopefully, I will get to do more regular work on this.  I have made only minor changes to the previous posting.  I have added just a tad more code generation.  One big problem I am having at this moment is trying to remember just exactly it was I was doing.  Just be assured I have not given up on this.
    One of the main things I have been busy with since May was the process of moving my mother in law from her home into our home.  It has been very labor intensive.  Add to that that my vision is extremely bad, has made for a very exhauusting  two months.

May 17, 2010

    Tonight, I made some canges to how the symbol table is handled.  Local variables and arguments for a proceedure or function are added to the symbol table, but after we are done with that function, we need to remove those symbols so they won't get confused with locals and arguments is other functions.  The first way I tried to do this did not work.  I modified the grammar a little bit, but that reintroduced some parsing bugs I had in the erarly days.  So, I had to be a little more clever about how I accomplished this.

Anyway, I am getting closer inch by inch to having a releasable project.

May 14, 2010

    Tonight, I made the parser clean up the symbol table by removing local variables as soon as the code for the proceedure or function is generated.

    I hope, again, to be done with this theng real soon.  I am playing with the real action compiler to compare how it operates compared to mine.  So, far, it is comparing fairly well.  And again, I really need to take my hat off to the guy who wrote the original..  It is really amaizing that he got the thing running in such a small memorty footprint.

May 11, 2010

    Did a bit more work on the code generation for arrays.  I found a few boo-boos in various parts of the code generation.  I am sure I will be finding those for quite a while yet.
I am hoping that I will be able to wrap this thing up shortly.  This project was supposed to be more about making a 6502 core rather than a compiler...but first things first.

May 8, 2010

    At the momemnt, I seem to now have all of the basic structured programming code sequences working..  Now, it is time to get down to the nitty gritty.  I am now going back and re-examining record types and arrays and pointers.  This is probably going to be the most complex of the code generation routines in the whole bunch.  At least now I have a way of seeing just how the real ACTION! compiler handles this.

May 6, 2010

    Well,. tonight I got the If-Then-Else code generation working.  For a simple example, it at least generates code that is very close to the original.  There is still a lot of work to do on the code generator.  My next step is to get the logical operators AND and OR to work correctly.  Anyway, here is the output I got from the compiler tonight:

ACTION! Ver 0.04 cross compiler for the 6502
Copyright (c) 2010 by Jim Patchell
This program is free for any use
Get Input From Consol
        .SECTION        "temps",$80
__TEMP_var0:    .DS     16
        .SECTION        "args",$a0
__ARGS: .DS     16
        .SECTION        "code",$2000
proc aproc(card a,b)
card c
if a < b then c = 1
elseif a = b then c = 2
else c = 3
;          22   21   -1 +-PROC aproc
;          21   -1   19   +-PROCLOCALS c
;          19    7   20   +-IFSTMT
;           7    3   14   | +-IF
;           3    1    6   | | +-LT
;           1   -1    2   | | | +-IDENT a
;           2   -1   -1   | | | +-IDENT b
;           6    4   -1   | | +-EQUALS
;           4   -1    5   | |   +-IDENT c
;           5   -1   -1   | |   +-CONSTANT 1
;          14   10   18   | +-ELSEIF
;          10    8   13   | | +-EQ
;           8   -1    9   | | | +-IDENT a
;           9   -1   -1   | | | +-IDENT b
;          13   11   -1   | | +-EQUALS
;          11   -1   12   | |   +-IDENT c
;          12   -1   -1   | |   +-CONSTANT 2
;          18   17   -1   | +-ELSE
;          17   15   -1   |   +-EQUALS
;          15   -1   16   |     +-IDENT c
;          16   -1   -1   |     +-CONSTANT 3
;          20   -1   -1   +-RETURN
Processing Nodes 22:PROC
aproc_ARG__a:   .DS 2
aproc_ARG__b:   .DS 2
        STA     aproc_ARG__a
        STX     aproc_ARG__a+1
        STY     aproc_ARG__a+2
        LDA     $A0+3
        STA     aproc_ARG__a+3
        JMP     aproc_Lab0
aproc_c:        .DS 2
                ;If Statement
        LDA     aproc_ARG__a+0
        CMP     aproc_ARG__b+0
        LDA     aproc_ARG__a+1
        SBC     aproc_ARG__b+1
        BCC     aproc_true__Lab3
        JMP     aproc_false__Lab2
        LDA     #1
        STA     aproc_c+0
        LDA     #0
        STA     aproc_c+1
        JMP     aproc_exit__Lab1
                ;If Statement
        LDA     aproc_ARG__a+0
        EOR     aproc_ARG__b+0
        BNE     aproc_false__Lab4
        ORA     aproc_ARG__a+1
        EOR     aproc_ARG__b+1
        BEQ     aproc_true__Lab5
        JMP     aproc_false__Lab4
        LDA     #2
        STA     aproc_c+0
        LDA     #0
        STA     aproc_c+1
        JMP     aproc_exit__Lab1
        LDA     #3
        STA     aproc_c+0
        LDA     #0
        STA     aproc_c+1
Attributes in type field are:   upel
    unsigned (. for signed)-----+|||
    private  (. for public)------+||
    extern   (. for common)-------+|
    long     (. for short )--------+

name               rname              lev   next   type
a              0 int FIX (NO OCLS) u...
aproc          0 void FIX (NO OCLS) ....()
Arguments of aproc
a              0 int FIX (NO OCLS) u...
b              0 int FIX (NO OCLS) u...
End of Arguments of aproc
b              0 int FIX (NO OCLS) u...
c              0 int FIX (NO OCLS) u...

Structure table:


May 2, 2010

    Well, today I optimized the code generation a bit more.  I finally got around to trying to solve the problem I noted back on April 10, 2010.  It turns out it was a lot easier to fix that I thought it would be.  So now when one does an assign, I no longer have all those extra temp variables being used..

May 1, 2010

    I made some minor improvements in the code generator today.  Thanks to a gentleman named Eric, I got some real code generated by a real ACTION! compiler.  I was able to see how it did certain things and incorporated those into my compiler.  Also, I was pointed to a really nice Atari800 simulator and an ACTION! cartridge to run in it.  So, as soon as I can figure out how to get these things to work on my computer (my screen reader interfers), I will be able to do some major reverse enginering.  Right now I am working on relational and logical operators.  I had some real klugy code before (and still), but I am working on getting that changed.  After I get that working, it will be back to writing the code generation for Arrays and Record types.

    Things to do yet include getting rid of local symbols from the symbol table at the end of a proceedure or function being generated.  But every time I can work on it, it starts looking more and more like a compiler.

April 26, 2010

    Last night I discovered another mistake in the actiin grammar.  This is a mistake that is in the action manual itself.  According to the BNF script, the only place that you can have a RETURN is at the end of a function or proceedure.  I remember thinking when I saw this that this was not at all true.  But I assumed that my memory was bad.  Well, it turns out my memory was OK after all.  Reading the action manual revealed that a RETURN is supposed to be able to go anywhere..  Now, the bad thing is that this adds another abiguity to the grammar.  Like I needed another one like I need a hole in my head.  So, to solve this, I did the following.   I reallized that the only place that made sense (that I could see at least) to put a RETURN statement was inside of an if statement.....for instance:

    IF a > 6 THEN RETURN
    ELSE <do something else> FI

    It makes no sense to have a return anywhere else, so this is the restriction I made.  Now it may turn out that I was wrong, so I may have to rethink things a bit.

April 24, 2010

    I have made the keywords so that they are no longer case sensitive.  This is a bit more like the original action.  So PROC and proc now do the same thing.  However, Identifiers are case senistive, so MYINT and myint are two distinct objects.  This is not the same as thre real action.

    I am also starting to work on some of the finer details of action.  Such as initializisations.  I am still trying to figure out  the rules for just how this applies to PROC and FUNC declarations.

April 19, 2010

    The code hasn't really changed much.  I have been cleaning the files up a bit, adding commnts where needed, and such..

    The code is still nowhere near being ready to anounce.  I still have a lot of work to do on the code that generates Array and Type references.  I also need to work on the code where the compiler defines the address that function, proceedures and variables are located at.

I still have not visited the optimazations I outlined below.  I am not going to worry yet about really stupid assembly code being generated.

April 17, 2010

    Just don't have as much time to work on this thing right now.  We are in the process of trying to sell my Mother-InLaaws home.  It is kind of sad.

    Anyway,  I have been doing a lot of work cleaning up the code a bit.  I am starting to make sure that the created values are released when they should be.  Previous version leaked resourcses like a sieve.  It still leaks, but not as bad.  Anyway, it looks like it is time to get back to actually tesing generated code again.  Hopefully, in a few more weeks I can start working on the multiply and divide functions..

April 10,2010

    Well, things are still going forward..  I am trying to think of ways to optimize the code that is generated.  I think I might be able to do this by adding an extra value to a lot of the code generation proceedures.  For example:

    A = B + C

    Generateds a parse thre lke  thins,:

         + IDENT A
         + ADD
                +IDENT B
               +IDENT C
    Generates code like:
    LDA    _B
    ADC    _C
    STA    TEMP
    STA _A

    Very obviously could be written as:

    LDA    _B
    ADC    _C
    STA    _A

    I think this can be accomplished by letting the BINARY_OP code know that instead of storing the valye in a temp, it can just go ahead and store it in the final destination.  Not reallty sure how I am going to do this,but I think I should be able to look at the syntax tree and figure that out, somehow.
April 9, 2010

    Did some more work tonight  on the code generator.  Things are a bit chaos in there since I am basically learning how to write a code generator as I go.  Stupid things that compilers do are becoming a lot more clear to me now.  It is not easy to fix those things.  That is why real compiler writers get paid those big bucks I guess.  Still, I am trying to make the code generator do the best it can..  The biggest problem area are relational operators.

    I also fixed a bug in the Lexical Analyzer.  It was not correctly tokenizing '==RSH', ==LSH','==MOD' assignment operators.

April 6, 2010

    I am in the process now of  checking code generation.  I write a very simple Action program and then check the results with a 6502 simulator that runs on the PC.  I am hoping that in a few months, I will actually be able to test thie code on a real atari 800.  Up to now, I think I have gotten simple relation operators to function correctly, and BINARY operators and assignments work.  And DO - OD generates an infinate loop just like it should.  The code is not going to be very optimal.  If I can get the code generator debugged, I might see what I can do to elimnate some tf the code ineficianties.

March 20, 2010

    Still making progress, sort of.  I am back tracking a litttle bit.  I worte some code to manage the 6502 resources (I mean the A, X and Y reg :-) ).  Hopefully, this is going to make it a bit easier to do the code generarator.  Writing the code generation for ARRAYS seems to be about the most difficult task I have encountered so far.

I finally also managed to disasemble my only copy of real ACTION object code I have and managed to relearn a few things/  I am probably not going to end up generating exactly the same code that ACTION did.  But, if somebody really wants that...well, they can rewrite the code generator.

I have also changed the way I am distributing the code.  I used to upload a snap shoot every few days, but that was really getting cumbersom.  So now, I have a link at the top of the page where you can get the code.

March 18, 2010

    Progress is slowing a bit.  My eyesight has deteriorated just a  bit  making it more difficult to program.  However, I have gotten the mechinisms in place for doing proceedure calls and  passing parammeters.  Parameter passing was pretty simple in action.  There was some space set aside on page zero that the data was stored in and then recovered byt the called routine.  I also seem to recall that the first 3 bytes were stored in the A,X,Y register respectfully.  This seems to make things more complicated.  I might change this.

March 15, 2010

    I now have a good portion of the code generator written.  I am sure there are some major problems in it, but I am confident I can work those out..  It really is cool to see source code being translated into assembly language.  I am really feeling a lot more respect for compiler writers.   My effort is really a very simple implementation.  How  one could optimize the code is beyond me.  I have found some good books on the subject, but right now, reading is not very easy for me.

    I still need to write a fair amount of code generator code.  I still have to do function calls, passing arguments, array and structure access code.

    No code upload this time.  I should do so again in a few days.

    I am also thinking about rewriting all of the Holub routines I am using right now. just to avoid....proglems.

March 10, 2010

    Still making good progress.  I have the compiler now generating assembly code that one can recognize as a program.  At the moment, I have only code generation for BYTE types.  This turned out to be a good plan from the standpoint that I am learning a lot about genererating code.  This is a lot more difficult and tedious than I imagined.  There have been some minor fixes to the grammar, and a lot of redundent code has been written.  As soon as I get the thing working, I will go in and clean up this monstrosity.

March 6, 2010
    Still making progress.  So far today, I have written the code generation routines for  getting arguments that are passed to a function.  This is the hardest part, since I am very rusty at writing 6502 code.  (I am much more adept these days at writing AVR code).

March 5, 2010

    Progress is being made.  I have the rudiments of a "code generator" going.  Well, I output the assembly declarations for data and varaibles.  This is the easy part.  Sure was a lot more difficult than I thought.  Anyway, now I will start working on the actual code generator.  This is going to be tough.  As I don't have access to any of my 6502 assembly language books...well, even if I did, it would be difficult to read them....since I am blind.

    It does look like I will complete this thing in one form or another.  I am hoping by next week to have all of the code generation code written.  This isi a pretty tall order.  Trying to figure out what all the differnt combinations are for various sequences of code is not going to be easy.

Also, I may have to write my own assembler.

March 4, 2010
    It looks like I have the parser more or less done now.  I have the skeleton code for the abstract syntax tree processor completed, so it looks like I can actually start writing code generation routines.  This means I need to pick an assembler, I suppose.  Or finsish one I started to write a long time ago.  Still, this is pretty exciting.  Considering all of the false starts I had to go through to get here.  So, it looks like I will be settling on using a parser written using the ANAGRAM parser generator.  I would still like to write a parser using the recursive decent methode, but for now, that will be a project I may get back to.  Using Anagram makes it a lot easier to add features to the compiler.

One feature I want to add is an inline assembly feature.

March 2, 2010

    Things are still progressing.  I am fully committed now to the ANAGRAM parser.  It seems to be working pretty good now that I have all of the grammar problems fixed.

Another problem I had to fix recently was learning to deal with the token contxt feature.  After I figured that out, it was pretty easy to understand and you will find it implemented in the parser now.

Another problem I noticed is that my Lexical Analyzer has some problems, more than likely created by the fact I can't see a whole lot any longer.  I will fix those in my next session.

Hopefully, in  a few more days I will actually start on the Abstract Syntax Tree processing, wchich is where I begin to generate code.

Feb 28, 2010

Several problems have cropped up since the last entry..

1.  The parser generator ACCENT turns out to have one major flaw.  It will not parse grammars where the tokens need to be modified by semantic actions.  I am not entirely giving up on ACCENT, but, until I can think of a way to get around this limitation, I am back using ANAGRAM as the parser generator.

2. An alternative parser generator, BISON, could also do the job.  But I installed the latest version and it gives some obscure error that I have not been able to find out what is wrong.  The error occurs in the m4 macro processor.  This is too bad, because BISON has a GLR parser generator which would also be able to parse an ambigous grammar like ACTION!.

3.  Even using ANAGRAM, the problem I have is that there is still some sort of an ambiguity in the grammar.  I have manage to fix some of them, and therse were due mostly to mistakes that were made in the grammar description in the ACTION! manual itself.  I will be updating the grammar specification doc to reflect this.  But right now, the main conflict seems to arise from these statements:

BYTE one,two,three
BYTE POINTER pone,ptwo,pthree
BYTE ARRAY aone,atwo,athree
BYTE FUNC afunc()

I changed the grammar just a little bit to require the following:

BYTE one,two,three
BYTE POINTER pone,ptwo,pthree
BYTE ARRAY aone,atwo,athree
BYTE FUNC afunc()

(Please note, the current grammar does not have this problem .... Jim March 20,2010)
This seems to make the code parsable but not compatable 100% with the original ACTION!.  Although, this is a lot closer than I have been in the past.

4. Another parrallel path I am taking is trying to write a recursive decent parser for ACTION!.  The problem with this is that a recursive decnet parser is an LL(k) parser, which means I cannot have any left recursion.  For example:

IdentList: Ident
             | IdentLst Ident
Needs to be

IdentList: Ident IdentList

This means I need to remove all of the left recursion from the grammar.  This is funny, because in an LALR grammar, right recursion needs to be avoided (because it uses up lots of stack).

Last Minute update!

It looks like I have fixed all of the known amibuities in the grammar.  So, now all I need to do is start to fill in  the rest of the code that actually does things.  One thing for sure, I have learned a lot more about parsers in the last month.  And I thought I was already pretty good.  
Anyway, what I need to do now is finish up the code for doing the declarations and symbol tables, which is one of the more tedious parts of the project.
Feb 21, 2010

I am making good progress on the compiler.  Right now, I have it generating an abstract syntax tree for the code sections and a very good portion of the declarator section working.  The TYPE productions generate tables describing the custom data types, although, I don't have the part working yet where you can declare those custom types.  I am working on the code for initializing variables and what not.  This is problably one of the hardest things to do when writing a compiler.

I really like ACCENT.  So far, I have found no problems with it.  I thought I was having a problem, but it turned out to be a mistake in the BNF grammar that was in the ACTION! manual.

Feb 17, 2010

My recent experiences with the ACCENT compiler compiler.

I have been trying to use the ACCENT parser generator to recreate ACTION!.  The  reason for this is that ACTION! seems to be an ambiguous grammar.  ACCENT is able to deal with amibuous grammars so it makes a lot of sense.  It has not been without its problems however.  Fortunately, this has been because of my ignorance rather than any real problems with  ACEENT.  It took me a little while to figure out how to interface ACCENT with FLEX.  My biggest mistake was that I created a production in FLEX for handling the end of file event.  It seems that ACCENT just did not understand what my iintentions were.  It took me quite a while before I discovered I was  thinking too hard.  Then there was the matter of the semantic actions.  For example, dealing with an DENTIFIER.

In othere parsers, I would have something like this:


 {ID}        {return IDENTIFIER;}


name ::= IDENTIFIER { printf("ID is:%s\n",yytext);}

While this works with just about all of the parser generators I have used in the past (YACC, BISON, LALR, ANAGRAM), it does not work with ACCENT.  This is because ACCENT reads in and parses the entire source file before it executes the first semantic action.  By that time, yytext has been pretty thouroghly oblitterated.

Dealing with this is fairly simple, but it was a problem that had to be solved.

So far, I am pretty impressed with ACCENT.  When you consider the fact that it is free, it can not be beat.  Hopefully, I will complete my first ACTION! parser, and then I will know for sure.

Feb 13, 2010

Well, today I created a Grammar for ACTION! using the BNF script that is in the back of the ACTION! manual.  This was not as easy as I thought.  Turns out there are a few mistakes in that grammar, but I think I have fixed them.  I used Anagram to write the grammar since this is the most friendly parser generator I have.  I was hoping that maybe this grammar was not ambiguous.  FAT chance.  At the moment, this grammar has 16 conflicts.  I did a simple test of the grammar, and it seems to parse more or less correctly.  So, despite the confilict, it may be OK.  I can also try this using ACCENT as well (ACCENT takes care of ambiguous grammars for you at the cost of bigger parsers).  So, this is all looking more promising.  The original BNF for ACTION! sure seems like it behavwes like the original.


Feb 11, 2010
I Have the BNF grammar for ACTION!

    OK, today I did not actually work on my own code, but rather, I transcribed
Apendix A from the Atari ACTION! manual.  Somebody on the Atari AGE 8 bit Atari formum pointed me to a PDF of the scanned manual.  Unfortunately this was all but impossible for me to read comfortably.  But, I was able to read it well enough to retype it in.  What is so special about this appendix?  Well, it has the BNF script in it for the ACTION language.  This means that I will be able now to reproduce a fairly accurate version of the compiler, at least as far as the language itself goes.

Anyway, here is Apendix A in PDF form.  It is entirely possible it has some typos in it...after all, it was typed in by a blind guy!

You can compare it to the BNF scripts I have done...I got close in some instances...was way off base in others.  I will be curious to see how many conflicts there are in this grammar.

Feb 9, 2010

Well today  I got the lexer pretty much working.  I don't know if I am handling all of the tokens, but it looks like it judging by a sample program that I tokenized.

Anyway here is the Lexer so far.

Action Lexer

Feb 8, 2010

    I have started a new grammar that is written in Accent.  Accent supposedely can deal with ambiguous grammars, which Action! seem to be one of.  Accent is availiable in source code form only, as near as I can tell, but I was able to compile it with the Microsfot Visual C++ 6.0 compiler.  So, I have a grammar that may be a bit closer than the one below.  It is going to be more difficult to test, however.  This might take a while.  I have the lexical analyzer sort of written as well, but I have never used flex before, and it is taking some getting used to.  I am using the flex that comes with WinAVR...of all things.

Jan 30, 2010
For those of you who used to use the Action! compiler on the Atari, you most likely thought that it was the greatest thing since French Toast.  The Action! compiler was very effective, procuded fast, small code, and was just plain easy to use and fun to boot.  I remember even back then the desire to duplicate the Action compiler which is what got me intererested in parsing technology.  I was nver able to complete that task because it was not too soon before I moved beyond the Atari 800.
It is thirty years latter now...or there abouts.  Nostalgia is beginning to greip me.  I got the idea that it would be fun to recreate the Atari 800 in a n FPGA/  But, I would need some way of programming it.  So, I decided finally to make a cross Action! compiler for Windows.

So, this is going to be my report on the progress of this project.  Now, I am not the first person to think of this.  If you look on the web, you will find a web page for Effectus.  This is an Action! cross compiler written in Pascal.  It also does not apear to be finished yet, etither.

My version will be open source.  It will be buildable using Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0, as this is what I have.  The parser can be built with Anagram which is a free parser generator.

Currently, I have most of the grammar done.  The one fly in the ointment, is that I am doing this completely from memory.  So, there may be some differences based solely on the fact that my memory just isnt so good.  Another problem I have run into is that Action! appears to be an ambiguous syntax.  I have had to make a few changes to the syntax just to make the parser work.  One change is that I have had to add a ';' to the end of statments, and also the use of the keywords BEGIN and END to delimit blocks of statements.

Now to solve the problems in the above parragrahp, I have located a parser generator called "Accent".  The advantage of this program is that it can parse ANY context free grammar.  The disadvantage is that so far I have only found it in source code form.  It compiles (but with 950 warnings), so it may take a while to make sure it actually works.  But this parser generator looks promissing.

Anyway, I will keep you posted as I make progress.  Currently I am trying to finish up generating the symbol table.  Then I will be making the AST node processing routines that will generate the code.

If you can tell me how to make the grammar better, or know of some syntactale elements I have ommitted, I would be happy to hear from you.  I would also like to see some examples of ACTION! code and the resulting object file.


    You are free to use my ACTION! compiler in any way you see fit.  It is completely free and may be used in any way.  However, it is, what do you expect for free.  You must decide if this program generates code apropriate to your application.

    There is no support for this package.  You can email me and ask for help, but if I happen to be busy at the time, you may not get a response.

    If you find a bug, I am alwats happy to hear about those.  Send me the version number of the compiler and the offending source code and I will fix it as soon as possible.