MEET 2004
Posted April 4, 2004
Well, here are some photos from the March 27th, 2004
Pacific South West Synth DIY Meet. Attendance was lite this year,
there seemed to be some sort of curse. I am real bad with names
and faces, if I did not name you in a photo, let me know so I can add
your name.

Photo 1.....Cynthia with her Mega Modcam Compatable System.

Photo 2.... A restored Buchla brought by ??

Photo 3.....Cynthia making adjustments to a module....

Photo 4.....Mike Brown with his system.

Photo 5.......A close up of Mike Browns system.

Photo 6.........Cynthia trying to patch things up...

Photo 7......Jim Patchell with a handful of Patch Hell Cords....

Photo 8.......Jim Patchell watching his system sequence....

Photo 9.......A small patch on Jim Patchell's new synthesizer.
Door Prizes....
Cynthia had here ticket drawn out of the hat first
so she got first pick at the availiable door prizes. She choose a
Sixth Edition GE transistor Handbook.